Vesper & Domino

Vesper & Domino
Vesper & Domino

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The winner

Congrats Jen!  Your entry won out for implementation; I just couldn't say no to this in the end.  A combination of tribal art mixed with ancient eastern concepts was the right mixture for me.  I have always liked dragons but never had a fascination or obsession with them so it does not speak to one era or time in my life thus making it something that will last and I will never get tired of.

The winner for concept goes to Surf for her entry.  Not only is this as bad-ass as it gets but the story that goes along with this is a winner in its self.  A long story short; an honorable soldier stands up for what is right after doing the honorable thing, then proceeds to get shit on by less honorable people.  Very definately the hero.  His tattoo is below.  I may end up doing a variation on this in the future but not to this size.  Good work on finding this one Surf!!!