Vesper & Domino

Vesper & Domino
Vesper & Domino

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And we're off...

Here we have a pre-post to tomorrows departure from Boston's Logan Airport.  The pre-post is due to the fact that I have a scheduled departure of 6:05am which requires me to catch the 3am bus out of Portsmouth, NH.  The 4am bus would cut it a little too close.

That is right, Maurice, I have to wake up at 2am and bolt!  Can you just smell the insanity from where you are?  Would Maurice ever do such a thing?  What would Maurice do?

So, A short stay in Dallas and I am off to State number 48.  For those of you who don't know I officially lost the 50 state sprint to both my mother and to Portland Mike.  Congratulations to both of you by the way, but I have one question; did either of you do it under the age of 40?  I shouldn't jinx myself, I will not have made my 50th state for another week.  49 being Idaho and 50 being Montana (gonna be a dental floss tycoon).

This is going to be a fast paced, high impact infusion of beauty and culture.  We are going to see some of the most beautiful landscapes that the US has to offer; and we are going to do it at break-neck speed.  My mission, to take as many pictures as possible and bring the adventure home to all of you by way of the digital super-highway.  And, oh ya, I will get to spend some quality time with my the car.....for hours and hours.  Is that the smell of insanity again.  :)

Anyway, lots of fun ahead; hopefully for everyone.  See you in New Mexico.


  1. Have a safe start to your travels I for one will enjoy the blogs on the run considering i have never travelled
    but hope to someday follow in the footsteps of the all great and power full once-ler?

  2. Hey Brian, have a great trip! I hope we'll be seeing you on a semi-daily basis. It'll be nice to see the pics as you go. You're completely retarded to be getting up for your trip at 2am. Yeah, go ahead and throw your whole sleep cycle off for a couple days, be exhausted, just to avoid leaving like this evening say, and spend the night in a cheap hotel and get a nice fresh start tomorrow morning after a great night's sleep. Freaks, traveling in the middle of the damn night. Whatever...

  3. Well, I am officially under way. Coming to you live from Logan Airport; courtesy of loganwifi and Diet Coke (LOL - sponsor offering free access).

    Unbelievably the 3am bus was absolutely full this morning. Two people had to be left behind in Newburyport, Massachusetts. I do not think I have ever seen the 3am sold out. Came close once traveling to Florida for Christmas. All the college students were heading home for the same reason...but this is just...Wednesday.

    I hear they have wifi on the airplanes now. It will be interesting to see.

  4. Typical Brian. Bashing my name and giving me the wrong blog name twice. Guess a European needs to correct spelling to travels in stead of....

    Form: Other Brian:



    From: mojo []
    Sent: Tuesday, August 31,2010 17:45
    To: Dailey, Brian GOSS
    Subject: FW: Blog

    Does not exist

    From: Heuvel, Maurice GOSS []
    Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 4:49 PM
    To: mojo
    Subject: FW: Blog

    Maurice van den Heuvel
    1-800-323-1200, Option 2-4, Ext 4836

    From: Dailey, Brian GOSS
    Sent: Tuesday, August 31,2010 15:11
    To: Heuvel, Maurice GOSS
    Subject: Blog

  5. Maurice, I simply won't stand for you badmouthing Brian's spelling. He NEVER misspells anything. It must have been an error on your end.

  6. I know, must be the vacation blues. I didn't believe it either until it happened.....twice. Hope he doesn't keep repeating himself otherwise the conversations will even get longer. longer. longer...

  7. just noticed another blog command.... Brian the twice-ler. He is really repeating himself.....

  8. My guess is that by now they've all been captured by a Mexican cartel and are being used to smuggle positrons across the border. If the cartel follows recent observations, they will then be surgically altered to look like Mexicans and be forced to act as decoys for the border patrol, allowing thousands of illegals to surge across. I'm having trouble imagining Brian with brown skin, a big cheesy handlebar moustache and a Moe Howard haircut.
