Vesper & Domino

Vesper & Domino
Vesper & Domino

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Western Adventure

Well, only one week until my trip out west.  I will meet my parents in Albuquerque and we will have a terific western adventure.  This will span the Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, Bryce Canyon, Salt Lake City, Grand Teaton, Yellowstone, Glacier National Park and Seattle.  It is my plan to keep up with the blog while I am away.  I will post some interesting pictures along the way.  It is also my plan to post some pictures on Facebook as that seems a better medium for photo album's. 

If anyone needs anything while I am out west be sure and let me know.


  1. Sounds like an awesome trip!! Hope you have a fabulous time. :)

  2. Hey dude you can put a link to a Photobucket album here, making it easy for people to see the best of your photography. Look into making a public album then you can add a link in one of the side gadgets. By the way, we should start a pool, see who can guess on what day you pass away from constant exposure to Mom and Dad. I take day 11.

  3. Man, the Spinacles trophy is awesome. Nice touch... great idea!

  4. very nice and positive blog, dude! keep it up!
